
“…whoever welcomes a child like this…. welcomes Me.”

Meet Brad & Shelli

A video message from Brad & Shelli

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A Letter from Brad & Shelli

Hello from Nebraska!  We live on a ranch full of animals just a few miles from a town bustling with amenities.  We have two children and are excited to grow our family through adoption.  As a family, we love spending time together, whether eating supper around the dinner table, adventuring on our land, family vacations, or working together caring for our animals.  We value shepherding our children to know the love of God, the blessing of family and loved ones, the magnificence of our world through travel, and the importance of welcoming others into our lives and home.  We are open to pictures, letters, and planned visits to the extent you are comfortable with.

About Us

We have been friends for over 20 years!  We love each other’s company, no matter what we are doing.  We like working together, cheering on Nebraska sports, dancing in our kitchen, hosting people in our home, and enjoying late-night talks over a cup of decaf or a bowl of ice cream.

We LOVE being parents.  It has been one of our greatest joys to raise our kids.  We enjoy the big and little moments spent with them cuddling up and reading books, traveling near and far, working to take care of our animals, baking and cooking together, having a family fun night once a week, and helping them discover the things they love.  We are SO looking forward to doing all these things and more with our next child.


About Shelli (by Brad)

Shelli is a spectacular wife, mother, and friend.  She has a servant’s heart.  Some of Shelli’s favorite hobbies are baking, refinishing old furniture, and spending time playing outdoors.  She does a fantastic job making our house a loving and inviting place for our family and friends.  I love how she makes holidays so special and sentimental by baking cookies with our children or decorating birthday cakes just as requested!  Shelli makes us all feel so loved.

Shelli is an amazing mom!  She is tender, patient, energetic, and makes the best meals.  Our children (and other people’s) are drawn to her!  She loves spending time with our children reading, baking cookies together, exploring outside, or caring for our animals.  She often breaks out in a silly song to make our kids laugh.  She can’t wait to do all these things with our next child!

About Brad (by Shelli)

Brad is tender-hearted and cares deeply for people.  He is passionate about his work, and his gift for loving people is displayed in how he treats clients and their beloved animals.  Brad is an amazing husband and father who cares for us so well.  He has a silly sense of humor and loves to laugh.  He has a passion for music and enjoys playing the drums and piano.  Brad likes to spend his time outdoors, often working with our horses or taking us on our next outdoor adventure.

Brad is an incredible Daddy.  He delights in the little moments with our kids the most, such as reading to them, snuggling up during a movie night, or working with them on our ranch.  He looks forward to snuggling with our next child, teaching them how to ride a horse, and tucking them in at night.

Our Kids and Family

Our daughter, Gianna (10), is kind, caring, and thoughtful.  She is generous with her time and her possessions.  She is hard-working and studious and is often found with her head in a book.  She loves animals, being outside, baking, and arts/crafts.

Our son, Abram (8), is busy and adventurous.  He loves anything active, from riding his bike and scooter to trying new sports.  He is tender-hearted like his Daddy and has a heart for those who are hurting or sad. He is playful and imaginative, often showing this through his drawings or what he builds with Legos.

We have an amazing supportive extended family, both biologically and through our church.  Brad’s family lives nearby and is very involved in our lives on a weekly basis.  Shelli’s family is only a couple of hours away, and she and her siblings regularly plan things to get all the cousins together.  Our church family is incredible, and we treasure the relationships and support we have with them.  Two of our closest friends have grown their families through adoption and are excited to celebrate a new family member with us.

Our Home in Nebraska

Our two-story, five-bedroom home sits on 200 acres of rolling hills, filled with a little pond, a creek, and cottonwoods.  We have a large, open home with plenty of space to play.  All of the family bedrooms are upstairs.  Our next child will have their own room right next to their big brother and sister.  We have a working ranch, complete with horses, goats, cattle, chickens, rabbits, dogs, and cats.  We live out in the country but are only a few miles from the city in our area, so we really feel like we get the best of both worlds!  We have a great public school system, fun family activities, and an amazing church home all in this community.

Our Promise

We promise to provide our unconditional love in a home where your child will be nurtured, cherished, and encouraged.  We promise to raise your child in a Jesus-centered home surrounded by loving and supportive family and friends.  We will always speak of you with respect and honor, and we are open to writing letters, sharing pictures, and planning visits at a level that you are comfortable with.  We promise to give your child every opportunity to blossom into the individual they were created to be.  We will make treasured memories with them through everyday adventures, travel, and family gatherings.  We promise your child will always know how much they are valued and loved.  Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about our family, and we look forward to learning more about you.

If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Learn More About Brad & Shelli

  Brad Shelli
Our EducationDoctorate of Veterinary MedicineDoctorate of Veterinary Medicine
Our ProfessionsVeterinarianVeterinarian
Our Racial BackgroundCaucasian (Swedish)Caucasian (Czech)
Some of Brad & Shelli's Favorites
FoodSteak on a mesquite grillDesserts
Travel DestinationColorado Mountains or a Caribbean BeachHawaii
Holiday TraditionChristmas Eve with FamilyMaking cookies and crafts with our kiddos
Family ActivityShowing at the County FairAdventuring together--at home or at a destination
HobbyRaising American Quarter HorsesRefinishing old pieces of furniture, baking, and photography
Favorite Bible VerseJohn 10:10b "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
More About Our Family
Our Special Interests

We have both played volleyball (Brad on a club team and Shelli in college), and we still love to play and watch the sport. Our favorite team to cheer on is the Nebraska Huskers. We make it to one game a season with our children. We also love the world of agriculture. Shelli's family farms, and we often take the kids to experience farm life with their Grandma and Grandpa. We're also active in our local 4-H club, showing livestock and learning new skills through 4-H projects. We both love gardening! Flowers surround our home, and we grow a vegetable garden every summer.

Our Faith

Our faith is the priority in our lives. We are part of an amazing church and teach in the children's ministry. Talking about the love and works of God is part of our daily rhythm. At the end of each day, we pray over our day together as a family before tucking our kids in for the night. We read to them at night before bed, and part of our reading is from the Jesus Storybook Bible.

Our Animals

Our animals are a fun part of our daily lives. We help baby goats and foals be born, hatch out baby chicks, and play with our bunnies. We have two French Bulldogs, a lab cross, and a Sheltie that are full of fun and energy. They love kids and follow them faithfully around the ranch. We have two cats that love to let us know when their food bowl is empty. We also try to get a horseback ride in as often as we can! Gianna and Abram each have their own pony to ride.

Some of Our Traditions

Brad enjoys planning at least one big vacation each year. These have included Disney World and hiking in the Colorado Rockies.
We gather for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with each side of our extended families and spend the time eating, laughing, sharing stories, and playing games together.
Shelli's family has an annual summer tradition called the "Suda Olympics", where all the cousins compete in fun yard games, and Grandma has a prize for everyone.
And every summer, we also go camping with Brad's folks in their camper on a nearby lake.

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child

Newborn to 2 years old





Sibling Group

Yes, with the oldest up to 2 years old.

In Closing

We are honored that you have taken the time to learn more about our family. We are excitedly awaiting God's plan for our family. We are ready to open our hearts and home to your child and love, cherish, and help them to be all God made them to be. We would love to learn about your hopes and dreams for your child and are open to sending photos, writing, and planning visits with you. To learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1-(800)-923-6784.

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