
“…whoever welcomes a child like this…. welcomes Me.”

Meet Joel & Jill

A video message from Joel & Jill

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A Letter from Joel & Jill

Hello! We’re a happy family of three excited to add a child to our lives through adoption. We’ve been friends since high school, started dating in college, and we’ve been married ever since! Our family values faith, connection, education, and travel.

Adoption has been on our hearts for years. The friends who introduced us to each other were adopted into their family as babies, so we’ve seen how wonderful adoption can be as a way to build a family. It would be our joy and honor to open our hearts and lives to you and your child. We would love to share an open adoption too, if you’d like an ongoing connection.

About Us

Together we enjoy:
• Traveling to visit family or take vacations (we want to see all of the National Monuments!)
• Board games
• Movie nights
• Going to football (Seahawks!) or baseball games
• Seeing local museums and art performances
• Being involved at our church

What matters to us most: Our Christian faith is important to us and, out of that, we try to model love, grace, and value for others. We want to show our children how to be loving, helpful, generous, and good members of the community. Our family puts love, peace, and forgiveness first. We hope to pass down our love of making and listening to music, reading, arts and crafts, and community.

Meet Jill

Joel says: Jill is loving, thoughtful, fair, consistent, considerate, compassionate, and easy to talk to. She’s an affectionate, caring mama who always has our son’s best interest at heart.

Jill likes to:
• Draw, paint, and practice calligraphy
• Read
• Cross-stitch and knit
• Sing at church
• Practice the piano
• Write (journaling, proofing/editing, all of it!)
• Learn languages (I took sign language in college and am currently learning French!)

Meet Joel

Jill says: Joel is a loyal father and husband who loves with all his heart. He’s hard-working, funny, so smart, great at conversation, and an attentive dad.

Joel likes to:
• Play the drums (I play for church and in a garage band with friends!)
• Record music and podcasts
• Learn piano
• Travel
• Tinker with computers and electronics
• Practice photography (family portraits, artsy or landscape photos, and aerial drone shots are my favorites to shoot)

Our Family

Our son, Micah, is 7 years old, sweet, easy-going, and loves playing with other kids. He enjoys music, books, swimming, and going to church. We’ve been teaching him to write and ride a bike. Micah is excited at the idea of having a sibling and will be a loving big brother and helper.

Extended Family: We come from close-knit families, each having one sibling. While some of our family lives locally, we love taking trips to see relatives in Montana, southern California, or other parts of Oregon. At family get-togethers there is always a lot of food, games, and chatting.

Adoption is already a part of our family! We both have close relatives who were adopted. Everyone is so supportive and excited about our plans to adopt!

Our Home in Oregon

We love the beautiful scenery, hiking trails, lakes, mountains, and coastlines here in Oregon! There is something fun to do any time of the year. We live in the suburbs where we have a smaller-town feel with the conveniences of living close to the city. Nearby is a large community park and recreation facility, with playgrounds, baseball parks, soccer fields, basketball and tennis courts, swimming pools, skate parks, and more. We like to take walks through the woods or to the playground.

Highlights about our home:
• 3 bedroom home in a quiet neighborhood
• Large bonus room (the band room!)
• Private fenced yard
• A large park and recreation space next to us (so there’s plenty of space to run and play!)

Our Promise

We would feel blessed to get to know you and would love to keep in contact as your child grows, if you’re comfortable. We’re open to sharing emails, letters, photos, and visits. We promise to provide your child with unconditional love and grace, a supportive family, a secure home, and a good education. We will encourage our children to pursue their interests and talents. We’ll be their biggest cheerleaders!

We will make sure your child knows he or she can talk to us about anything. Our family values open communication, forgiveness, and acceptance. We will encourage deep relationships and be a place where your child can learn, grow, and process in a healthy, safe environment. You will always be special to us, and we’ll help your child embrace our family’s adoption story. We also welcome open adoption! We are happy to share future contact, including visits, however you’re comfortable staying in touch.

To talk with us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Thinking of you, Joel & Jill

Learn More About Joel & Jill

  Joel Jill
Our EducationBachelor's DegreeBachelor's Degree
Our ProfessionsTechnical Lead for a company that services machines that make microchipsStay-at-home mom
Our Racial BackgroundCaucasian Caucasian
Some of Joel & Jill's Favorites
MovieThe Princess BrideThe Muppet Christmas Carol
FoodShoyu Chicken with RiceEggs Benedict
ActivityTinkering with computers and electronicsReading or listening to podcasts
SportsTo Watch: Football, To Play: BasketballTo Watch: Football, To Play: Kickball
Fantasy CarDodge Viper1955 C1 Corvette
Song"Thriller" by Michael Jackson311's version of "Love Song," or Rascal Flatt's "Life is a Highway"
TV ShowAny show from the Star Trek universeCommunity or The Office
More About Our Family
3 Things We Believe As Parents

• Love & affection are so important. Our kids need to know that they are valuable and cherished, no matter what.
• Stability & consistency improve so many factors of health and wellness. Our kids deserve to have clear expectations, and feel safe and secure.
• Mutual trust & respect will be the foundation of our relationship. Our kids will know that they are important, and that what they say and feel matters.

Fun Facts

• Jill: I’ve been known to win a karaoke contest or two before and back in the day I was the lead singer in a rock band!
• Joel: I have my own recording studio and enjoy creating unique beats and songs.

Things we enjoy doing with our son

• Taking walks to visit the neighbor’s goats
• Living room dance parties
• Playing Uno or Tensy or building LEGO
• Swimming or being on the water
• A round of tag or hide-and-seek

Family Traditions

• Fourth of July at our Montana cabin with Joel’s family, roasting marshmallows, playing games, climbing up to the tree house, and running the obstacle course that Joel’s dad built
• Driving down the Pacific Coast to visit Jill’s family in California
• BIG birthday parties with our local family

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child

Newborn up to 2 years old




Either boy or girl

In Closing

We appreciate your time to think about what you want for your baby's future. We're honored to be considered as adoptive parents for your child! Our children will always be our priority and we promise to honor our commitment to you and your child. We hope to learn more about you and welcome the chance to share an open adoption, if you'd like that. Thank you so much!

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