
Lord Has a Plan for You

Here is an encouraging note from Lifetime’s Founder and CEO, Mardie Caldwell: “I thought of you today and wanted to encourage you. Our adoption journeys are not always easy, and at times you might wonder why is it taking so long. The good news is that it’s worth it!...

How to Cope With Mother’s Day While Waiting to Adopt

For women who are waiting to adopt a baby or child, Mother’s Day may not be most joyous day. In this adoption video, Mardie Caldwell, adoptive mother and Adoption Expert, provides you with some tips and encouragement. Learn how you can not only cope this Mother’s Day...

Wished for, Longed for, and Prayed For

Here’s an adoption update from Christian adoptive couple Courtney and Jessica: “We wanted to send some updated pictures of Tate. He is doing awesome; he is always so happy! Laughs and makes the funniest faces. He is growing so fast…already five months. Thanks...

Enjoying Every Moment

Libby, one of our staff members at Lifetime Christian Adoption received this beautiful adoption update from Regina and Steve: “Colin is 20 months old now and we can’t believe how fast he’s growing! He definitely keeps us on our toes. He loves to touch and...