
I would rather be chained in a dungeon, wrist to wrist with a Christian, than to live forever with the wicked in the sunshine of happiness.
-Charles Haddon Spurgeon

God values relationships. That is why He created us to have an intimate relationship with Him and also share meaningful friendships with others. It is very important to keep ourselves in the constant company of like-minded, God-fearing, believers. Fellowship with other Christians is God’s way of meeting our need for companionship. It also acts as a training ground to pass on the love that God has shown us in our lives.

Sadly, Christian fellowship has now been reduced to after-church sessions of coffee and cookies sprinkled with idle chatter about politics, sports, and gossip. There are many members of God’s Church who are judgmental, critical, insensitive, and temperamental. I always think of what Queen Victoria quipped when asked to share her impression on her most popular Prime Ministers: Of William Gladstone, she said, “When I am with him, I feel I am with one of the most important leaders in the world.” On the other hand, she confessed that when she was with Disraeli, he made her feel “as if I am one of the most important leaders of the world.” It is important, as believers, to actively listen to people who need someone to talk to. It is our Christian duty to strengthen and build each other up, than break them down with our attitudes and words.

If you are seeking to adopt, I would recommend identifying couples in your church who have experience in adoption or who understand and appreciate your call to adopt. You need to surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude and who can strengthen you with the Word of God when you face the challenges of adoption. But before you do any of these things, simply ask God to send positive, cheerful, and strong believers into your life to support you through the adoption process.