Happy Easter, from all of us here at Lifetime Christian Adoption!
As we prepare our hearts for Easter celebrations this weekend, we think of you. We know holidays can spark mixed feelings for people waiting to adopt. We see through each adoption how a breakthrough or victory often happens after a period of challenge.
With spring here, we notice how nature also goes through these seasons of waiting for the next step, season, or change.
Did you know a butterfly is most vulnerable right before its first flight?
As the butterfly emerges from the protection of the cocoon, it dangles exposed while its wings prepare for flight.
It waits in confident hope of what’s ahead.
Easter is a time to reflect on the tenderness of hope, a time when things seem boldly possible, and yet so uncertain at the moment.
HOPE is confident expectation and trust that something good is about to take flight, though in the moment we hang in waiting.
May you remember the hope Easter reveals to all who live in faith, and may the expectant hope that sprouted as you began your adoption journey carry you through to reach your dream come true. “…hold firmly to the end the assurance we had at first.” — Hebrews 3:14
Easter blessings from all of us at Lifetime! We look forward to seeing what good things are ahead for you and your family.
This article was originally published on March 30, 2018, and has since been updated.