Jan 15, 2023 | Adoption Awareness, Adoption story
For many families, adoption becomes part of a child’s story early on. Many adoption experts and doctors recommend sharing a child’s adoption story with him or her early in life. Sharing this your child’s adoption story allows them to understand...
Oct 10, 2021 | Adoption Awareness, Adoptive parenting
Many adoption experts, including myself, recommend sharing a child’s adoption story with him or her early in life. Sharing this your child’s adoption story allows them to understand themselves. This sense of openness means you never feel that you have to keep a...
Nov 1, 2020 | Adoption Awareness, Adoptive parenting, Open adoption
November is recognized across the country as National Adoption Awareness Month. So to kick off this special month, we wanted to share a new children’s book with you, “I Am Adopted, but What Does That Mean?” This newly-released book shares...
Jan 15, 2014 | Christian Adoption
Have you felt the Lord’s call to adopt a baby or child? You can explore all types of adoption in the Christian book Called to Adoption. Right now the eBook of Called to Adoption is free for Kindles and using the free Kindle app for phones and computers. Get it on...