
“Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”
-1 Peter 1:21

Empty tomb with three crosses on a hill side.On this and every Easter, we rejoice with thanks for the renewal and hope given by God through the Risen Christ. Thus, we’re called to live a reflection of Jesus’ life: to be prayerful in gratitude, to lift others up in love, practice genuine faith, and determine God’s will as our own. Living as Christians means that we believe that God sent His only Son to be sacrificed for us and raised from the dead to free us of our bond in sin and to provide us eternal life with Him.

It is through Jesus Christ that God’s covenants have been proven to all believers.

Whether you’re walking through a time of celebration or trial, know that God’s promises are for you. Christ died for you and was born again for you. Even if you were the only person saved, God would have sent His Son for you. He loves you and desires good things for you, in heaven and on earth. When you practice your faith, you declare God’s promises through His Son’s journey on the cross. You confirm Christ’s life was meant so that you would walk with Him in hope, love, and joy.

May the hope, love, and joy of the Easter promise be yours today, and forever.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on April 15, 2017, and has since been updated. 

Written by Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P.

Founder of Lifetime Adoption, adoptive mom, adoption expert, and Certified Open Adoption Practitioner (C.O.A.P).

Since 1986, adoption expert Mardie Caldwell has been dedicated to bringing couples and birth parents together in order to fulfill their dreams.

“Many years ago, I was also searching for a child to adopt. We didn’t know where or how to get started. Through research, determination, and a prayer, our dream of a family became reality. I started with a plan, a notebook, assistance from a caring adoption consultant and a lot of hard work; this was my family I was building. We had a few heartaches along the way, but the pain of not having children was worse!

Within weeks we had three different birth mothers choose us. We were overwhelmed and delighted. Many unsettling events would take place before our adoption would be finalized, many months later. Little did I know that God was training and aligning me for the adoption work I now do today. It is my goal to share with our families the methods and plans which succeed and do not succeed. I believe adoption should be affordable and can be a wonderful “pregnancy” for the adoptive couple.

I have also been on both sides of infertility with the loss of seven pregnancies and then conceiving by new technology, giving birth to a healthy daughter. I have experienced first-hand the emotional pain of infertility and believe my experience allows me to serve your needs better.

It is my hope that for you, the prospective parents, your desire for a child will be fulfilled soon.”

Read More About Mardie Caldwell