Oct 17, 2021 | Adoption Awareness, Adoption story, Christianity
Emily’s Story When I first found out I was pregnant, I felt completely overwhelmed. As a Christian, I knew God would help me get through, but I never expected to be in an unplanned pregnancy. My parents wanted me to get an abortion right away and just...
Oct 10, 2021 | Adoption Awareness, Adoptive parenting
Many adoption experts, including myself, recommend sharing a child’s adoption story with him or her early in life. Sharing this your child’s adoption story allows them to understand themselves. This sense of openness means you never feel that you have to keep a...
Sep 5, 2021 | Adoption Awareness, Unplanned pregnancy
Governor Greg Abbott recently signed the Texas Heartbeat Bill, restricting abortions in the state of Texas after the baby’s heartbeat has been observed. This means that abortions are only legal before approximately six weeks gestation. Many people assume...
Jun 20, 2021 | Adoption Awareness, Adoptive parenting
Your adoption journey felt long, but here you are, parents bringing their newborn baby home! You are so excited to arrive home with your bundle of joy. You are probably eager to introduce your friends and family, who have been so supportive of your adoption, to the...
May 30, 2021 | Adoption Awareness, Adoptive parenting
As your child enters school and progresses through the grades, you may find that many teachers and fellow students don’t understand modern adoption and are unsure how to address the subject. Being proactive by sharing information and discussing the topic...
May 16, 2021 | Adoption Awareness
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24 The Lord says that the way in which we talk matters. Whether we choose positive or negative words can make a big difference to our listeners. Adoption is no different....