Jul 14, 2024 | Adoption Awareness
A myth, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “a story that is usually of unknown origin and at least partially traditional, that ostensibly relates historical events usually of such character as to serve to explain some practice, belief, institution, or...
Oct 7, 2018 | Christian Adoption
If you have watched reruns of the popular sitcom ‘Friends’, you will probably remember the episode where the couple (Monica and Chandler) try their best to impress the adoption professionals and birth mothers to improve their chances of being selected as...
Apr 8, 2018 | Adoption journey
Something that many hopeful adoptive couples struggle with is fear. It might be the fear of not being chosen by a birth mother, the fear of not being able to afford adoption, or the fear of making a mistake. But when you give in to fear, it might cripple you and keep...
Aug 27, 2017 | Adoption journey
When you’re waiting for a birth mother to choose you, fear may start to creep in. Fear that your adoption will never happen, fear that you’re not doing all you can to make it happen. Fear is a powerful force that Satan uses against us to try and paralyze...
Jul 26, 2015 | Adoption Prayer, Christian Adoption
Here’s a note we recently received from a birth mother. We love getting notes like this from women we are able to help in their journey! You can visit our nonprofit website, LifetimeFoundation.org to learn how you can help us in our Christian adoption...