
Please join us tonight for an adoption webinar, and get answers to adoption questions such as:

• What are birth moms like?

• How long does it take?

• Is there an age limit?

• What if I already have kids?

• What is open adoption?

• Are there grants or payment options? …and more!

Every parent thinking about adopting has questions about what to expect and how to be successful. Bring YOUR questions on Tuesday, October 25th to Lifetime’s LIVE Question & Answer Webinar.

Register today to attend. We’ll begin at:

5pm Pacific Time

6pm Mountain Time

7pm Central Time

8pm Eastern Time

You’ll not only benefit from the answers Lifetime has for your own adoption questions, but will learn from the questions of others on the call.

Once you register, you’ll immediately receive an email with the link or number to attend live on Tuesday, October 25th. Here is the link to register:
You may attend by PHONE or ONLINE from a computer, or your Smart Phone. To attend using your iPhone or Droid download a free webinar app. (Please refer to your personal data plan to find out if charges may apply to attend from your cell phone using this app.)

Please join us LIVE! In honor of National Adoption Awareness Month coming soon in November, we’ll be giving away PRIZES at random during the webinar. You must be present to win, so please set a reminder and plan to attend! We look forward to your questions!