Our staff at Lifetime Christian Adoption just received this beautiful adoption note from Ryan and Laurie:
“Dear Lifetime Family,
Our adoption journey, even with the bumps in the road that we faced, is simply miraculous and we are the very grateful and blessed parents of this beautiful baby boy! Jayden has been with us for five weeks now and is pure joy. Considering that he was so tiny at birth, he is thriving and will reach an ‘average’ scale within a month or so.
We continue to be in contact with his first mom and in a recent email we let her know how much we admire and respect her for her choice to make an adoption plan for him. Her response was, “Thanks for the respect and admiration. I appreciate it. I also appreciate your family for taking him in with open arms and lots of love and giving us both an opportunity to have a fighting chance of a bright future. I want nothing but the best for him, so thank you.” Getting to meet her and spend some time with her was very important to us. As much as we thought we were prepared to take another’s child into our arms, it was truly an eye-opener to see the love she had for him as she handed him to us. It is something we will never forget and that Jayden will always be told about.
Our daughters are like little mother hens around him and absolutely adore him. Here is what was probably the most significant ‘family’ moment of our journey. As we sat in the agency’s conference room filling out paperwork directly after he was placed in our arms, I handed him to our oldest daughter (nine years old) who had some apprehensions about adding a baby boy and another culture to our family – she was talking to him thinking nobody could hear and this is what she said, “Well baby brother, our family sure is colorful…but you just made it SO much more beautiful!” The adoration she had at that moment is a picture in my mind that will never fade. Our family is indeed colorful – and VERY beautiful due to each of our very unique children.
Lifetime has been a pleasure to work with and each person that I’ve spoken with has been real, always willing to say it like it is, and always there with words of encouragement. Most of all, knowing that our family, our birthmother and future baby were all being covered in prayer by the family at Lifetime was such a blessing. Thank you for all you to do bring together forever families!”
If you’re dreaming of adopting a baby or child, get the answers you need to take the next step: call us at 1-800-923-6784