Here’s a sweet adoption update we just received from Christian couple Casey and April; they adopted daughter Carly through Lifetime Christian Adoption late last year:
“We wanted to send a quick update on Carly and say hello! Carly is eight months old now and is such a blessing to our family. She has grown from a tiny two pounds to 13 pounds. Her favorite people in the world are her three big brothers…her face lights up with smiles when they are in the room, as do theirs. She is almost crawling, loves to tell stories to us, is working on a few teeth, and loves to snuggle in our arms. She took her first trip to Disneyland this summer, as well as her first camping trip. It was a lot of fun!
We are so thankful for all of you and the work you do. We are truly blessed and continue to pray for all of you, the birthparents, and waiting families.
“I (We) thank God upon every remembrance of you.”
-Philippians 1:3”
Are you ready to step forward in faith and start your journey towards adopting a baby or child? Please call us at Lifetime Christian Adoption at (530) 271-1740 to learn the steps to get started!