John and Kenia have been married for 18 years and are ready to add to their family. They can’t wait to share adventures and make memories with your child. Married for 18 years, they met in San Diego and both started to attend the same church.
They both love to travel, go to the beach, and play baseball and soccer. A bilingual and multicultural couple, they both speak Spanish and English. 10 years ago, they added Arlene, Kenia’s niece to their family. They’ve raised her since she was four years old, and she will be 14 in June. Arlene has become like a daughter to John and Kenia, and they’ve enjoyed every moment with her.
John works as an Industrial Radiator Office Manager and Kenia’s a stay-at-home mom. They share, “we are a fun and caring couple that has more love to give. We are ready to share our love with a baby!”
Their goal is to give your child a secure life, full of love and to share their love of God. John and Kenia promise to raise your child in both the English and Spanish language and give them an education in which will help them prosper and reach their professional goals.
Visit John and Kenia’s adoptive family profile online to learn more about them, view their photos, and read their “Dear Birthmother letter.” You may also browse other adoptive family profiles at If you see an adoptive family that you’re interested in, please give Lifetime a call at 1-800-923-6784.