An unplanned pregnancy may be shocking, but it’s also an opportunity for God to show you His love.
The most astonishing thing about God is that He can turn a bad situation into a wonderful blessing. By choosing adoption, you can then bless a couple who aren’t able to have children.
When you’re faced with an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know where to turn, look up. Turn your situation, your baby, and yourself over to God and let Him take control. He won’t abandon you in your time of need.
God knows you; He is the Lord God Almighty, the author of this life. He assures new life. The Lord, who loves you utterly, crossed eternity to show His love for you and give you new life.
Adoption can be a fresh beginning. Women who do adoption are giving their babies a hopeful future while making a hopeful future for themselves. For many women who weren’t ready to be a mom yet, adoption was their way of choosing life.
At Lifetime Christian Adoption, you can pick the adoptive family you feel is best for your baby. You can also decide how much contact you want after your baby is born. If not you choose to have contact with your baby’s parents is up to you; the choices are in your hands.
We know that the thoughts and questions you have right now can be overwhelming, but know while making an adoption plan that you have various options. No matter where you live, we’re here to help you. We can help you in finding housing, counseling, and prenatal care. Just email us or give us a call to find out more: 1-800-923-6784.