Nov 6, 2022 | Adoption journey
During your adoption journey, you may need additional help to work through some of the emotions you face. Getting help from a licensed counselor is a great way to help you address your challenges and feelings. Also, adoption counseling will help you get fully prepared...
Dec 26, 2021 | Adoption for my baby
Deciding to place your baby for adoption is a big decision. Even if you feel like it’s something God is leading you to do, you don’t need to make this decision on your own. Besides talking to a close friend, your pastor, or a family member, consider...
Apr 18, 2021 | Adoption for my baby
It’s normal to wonder if you will have regrets about placing your baby for adoption. Even if you have prayed and feel like it was the right decision for you, you may struggle with second-guessing yourself. Perhaps you chose adoption for your baby, but you still...
Sep 13, 2020 | Adoption for my baby
If you are considering adoption, you may have many questions about how this process works. You can make this loving choice if you are currently facing an unplanned pregnancy or if you are already parenting. There are hopeful Christian families out there who can’t wait...
Aug 16, 2020 | Adoption for my baby, Post-adoption
Your adoption journey continues well after you place your baby with the adoptive family, and so does the care and support from Lifetime Christian Adoption. We understand the complicated feelings and needs that birth mothers have post-placement, and we are here for...