May 5, 2019 | Adoption journey
Are you ready and excited to adopt a baby, but your spouse is on the fence? It’s frustrating when you’re not on the same page, but it isn’t uncommon. Many couples find that one spouse leads the journey toward adoption. If you don’t agree...
Jan 28, 2018 | adoption wait
Waiting for the blessing of a baby can be discouraging and exhausting. Maybe you’ve only been waiting to become parents through adoption for a few weeks or months. Maybe you’ve been waiting for years, and have turned to adoption after failed fertility...
Sep 16, 2016 | Infertility to adoption
Did you know that right now, over 2 million married women are experiencing infertility? 11.8% of all American women are unable to conceive a child after trying for one year. Some will go on to have a biological child; others will not. And each year, over 60,000...