Feb 12, 2017 | Adoption Prayer
Prayer is a key element in a Christian’s walk with Jesus. It’s the doorway to our intimate relationship with Him. Through scripture and attending church, we’re encouraged to pray with confidence to receive what our Father in heaven has stored up for us. How much...
Jan 15, 2017 | Adoption Prayer
This beautifully moving and thought-provoking message is from Lifetime Christian Adoption Founder Mardie Caldwell’s personal favorite, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It contains some great advice for those experiencing their adoption wait! I am with you and for you....
Dec 20, 2015 | Adoption journey, Christian adoption journey, Domestic Adoption
Most of the first steps toward adoption take place at home in deciding the type of adoption God is calling you toward. Taking time, having open conversations, spending time in prayer and in the Word will all help you determine the path to take toward your child and...
Jul 26, 2015 | Adoption Prayer, Christian Adoption
Here’s a note we recently received from a birth mother. We love getting notes like this from women we are able to help in their journey! You can visit our nonprofit website, LifetimeFoundation.org to learn how you can help us in our Christian adoption...
Oct 25, 2011 | Christian Adoption
Please join us tonight for an adoption webinar, and get answers to adoption questions such as: • What are birth moms like? • How long does it take? • Is there an age limit? • What if I already have kids? • What is open adoption? • Are there grants or payment options?...